
  bower install jQuery-element-move

Old traditional way

jQuery-element-move depends on jQuery. Include them both in end of your HTML code:


<script src="" integrity="sha256-ZosEbRLbNQzLpnKIkEdrPv7lOy9C27hHQ+Xp8a4MxAQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="jquery.element.move.min.js"></script>
// To use with default settings

// To use with customized settings (only allowing y-axis moving)
swipeDirection: 1



Name Description Type Default
backToOrigin if true, element will return to start position after release. Boolean false
backToOriginAnimation A CSS transition effect is used for this effect so you can control the animation here. String cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.58, 0.54, 1.42)
backToOriginAnimationDuration Control the animation time. Number 0.5
swipeDirection Customize the Direction of moving. 0 => only x-axis, 1 => only y-axis, 2 => full movement, 3 => only upwards, 4 => only downwards, 5 => only to the right, 6 => only to the left. Number 2
momentum You can enable momentum movement. If so, the element will move very fluid and gets extra movement based on previous acceleration afterwords. Boolean false
stayInElement Your element will not move out of this. String false
xScrollAmount You are able to specify a percantage of the element. When you scroll past this value on the x-axis, `scrollAmountCallback` will fire. Number 1
yScrollAmount You are able to specify a percantage of the element. When you scroll past this value on the y-axis, `scrollAmountCallback` will fire. Number 1
scrollAmountCallback Already explained above. Parameters: this. Callback Function
moveCallback Callback Function that fires when the element moves. Parameters: this, xPos(gives the pixel offset on x-axis to the start position), yPos(gives the pixel offset on y-axis to the start position). Callback Function
endCallback Callback Function that fires when you release the element. Parameters: this, xPos(gives the pixel offset on x-axis to the start position), yPos(gives the pixel offset on y-axis to the start position). Callback Function


$('#demo1 .demoElement').elementMove();
$('#demo2 .demoElement').elementMove({
  momentum: true
$('#demo3 .demoElement').elementMove({
  swipeDirection: 0,
  backToOrigin: true
$('#demo4 .demoElement').elementMove({
  swipeDirection: 5
$('#demo5 .demoElement').elementMove({
  swipeDirection: 0,
  moveCallback: function($this, x, y) {
    var width = $this.width();

    if (x < 0) {
      var percentage = 1 - x / width * (-1);
      var percentage = 1 - x / width;

    if (percentage <= 0) {
      $this.css('display', 'none');
    }else if ($this.css('display') != 'none') {
      $this.css('opacity', percentage);

$('#demo6 .demoElement').elementMove({
  swipeDirection: 2,
  scrollAmountCallback: function($this) {

    $('#demo6 .scrollAmount').html('scrollAmount hit!');
  moveCallback: function($this, x, y) {

    $('#demo6 .move').html('moved! ' + x + 'x |' + y + 'y');
  endCallback: function($this, x, y) {

    $('#demo6 .end').html('end! ' + x + 'x |' + y + 'y');
$('#demo7 .demoElement').elementMove({
  stayInElement: '#demo7'


Distributed under the MIT license.


Contact me

Feel free to contact me on Twitter @beno182